21 February 2009

make fun of dinner: pizza

Stick your green beans upright in your bowl-formed rice pile.
Invite a friend.Make pizza in your own kitchen.I've been learning how to make pizza at home. Without a bread machine I wouldn't have even thought of it. I'd stick to delivery or buying crust from the grocery... (actually, we weren't eating much pizza last year anyway, with Sarah's eczema problems. Praise the Lord, she's healed.) Making my own bread intimidates me - - without my bread machine. The one I have came from a dear friend of my Mom who wasn't using it. (This is also where my pizza pans and toaster oven came from! God provides...) I like the Pizza Crust I recipe (following Marylyn's adjustments for making it in the bread machine) for making a 2-3 large crusts.Pizza Crust II recipe (following MrsSid's adjustments) makes a lot more dough for a variety of crust sizes/ thicknesses. I was able to get 3 large crusts and 6 small personal size pizzas for all the kids + cousins to make their own.Or save extra crusts for lunch another day. I like to use whole wheat flour for about a third of the flour called for in the recipe. I don't buy Pizza Sauce - - I make my own with a can of tomato sauce and a bit of oregano and garlic added. Or use Spaghetti Sauce like my sister-in-law. Meatballs (made ahead of time and frozen) are a nice quick addition. Of course, pepperoni is essential to some, veggies to another. That's what's fun about making it at home. Especially when Scott and I are having a date at home, without the kids.

19 February 2009

more lapbooking

(Five in a Row has lead us to great literature and provided a springboard for studying all sorts of topics. After daily reading the book and doing some book-related work, we pull it all together in a "lapbook" on the last day. The kids made these when they were 6 and 4.)

We took How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World (Marjorie Priceman) further by doing a lapbook on Apples. (There are MANY activities about apples on the internet. Homeschoolshare and Home School Mom are a good place to start.) Cole's on Apples:
with the center Apple Prints flap up:Sarah's with center Apple Prints flap up: Virgina Lee Burton's books became our favorites. Cole's lapbook on Katy and the Big Snow:Sarah's on Katy:The kids take pride in making their own books. Cole comes up with specific ideas on how he would like the cover to look. The majority of Sarah's lapbooks didn't have an illustrated front cover because, being four, she could only engage for so long. She wanted to be involved, so I tried to be sensitive to her temperament and notice when things stopped being fun. She got what she could done, and that was good enough.

17 February 2009


Lapbooking is a fun way to learn more through a great book. (pictured is Cole's lapbook for The Glorious Flight by Alice and Martin Provensen completed Jan. 2008)

Just beginning homeschooling, I knew I needed to read to the kids more, but was unsure where to start. I thumbed through Five in a Row (by Jane Lambert) at a homeschool resale store and knew it was exactly what I needed. FIAR has led me to books, most available at our library, to introduce not only great literature, but also history, science, social studies, art and math in a fun way.

Through the use of homeschoolshare, I found online resources that lead us to making lapbooks. Also, I found this site very helpful for how to put a lapbook together.

Through most of last year, we had some fun with My Father's World curriculum. Recently, the kids asked to go back to lapbooking; so we are. We have an exciting time learning while gathered around the table making a resourceful mess! FIAR was the only "curriculum" we were using when Cole learned to read.

Any topic can be used for a lapbook. I intend to make one for other important stuff- like the Alphabet and Numbers (to remind my Kindergartener which way the 'b' goes : ) shown here, and another for Manners, as described here. Fun stuff.

14 February 2009

valentine mailbox

We made mailboxes for our Valentines at SonShine Club. Cole wanted a Spaceship (capri sun box):and Sarah ended up with a Purse (oatmeal container): The Purse idea came about on accident, after Cole contemplated making it a Rocket. (Once I suggested the straps, we thought it was becoming too "purse-like". Hey, great idea!) Sarah always jumps right in to decorating. I can't watch her work too closely, especially if I have an idea of the outcome in mind. But, it is hers, after all, and it should look like a 5 year old did it. (And this is the best thing about it... She has NO expectations to hinder her having a great time with art. I always love what she comes up with.) I added pom-poms to the bottom for stability and made sure the ribbon strap would be long enough... Shouldn't all Valentine mailboxes have a strap?